Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Virgin empire

Richard Branson is proof that despite being ginger, growing a beard and smiling a lot will make ensure you go far in life.

Not only content with owning perhaps the largest brand in the UK. Mr Branson, hereafter referred to as the the Tory in nylon pants, has continuously been seeking to expand an empire which would put Gengis Khan to shame.

The Tory in nylon pants yesterday bid £30bn pounds to purchase the near defunct banking consortium Northern Rock in place of our government who have bigger issues, like scratching their balls with a pencil, to worry about.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Extreme tattooed granny

On trawling around the interweb looking for amusement I came across this footage. Now I quite like a tattooed lady but this is extreme and very very wrong!!

A clip courtesy of my friends at Bizarre magazine.


Amateur photographers I find, have a tendency to start talking gibberish as soon as someone expresses the slightest bit of interest at their work. I'm not sure if its a want to be appreciated for their art, or because photography can be quite solitary and they're just glad to be talking to someone.

Rob recently had a photo of his published in A global history of architecture, which I was quite impressed about. Truth be told it is fantastic photo, although I hope he never finds out I said that.

They say a picture says a thousand words. This picture however, just goes to prove a point and is perfectly named "revealing ones own ignorance" by Ben